
A Didi - X Serra da Estrela - morreu...

Más notícias, depois da EXCELENTE novidade sobre a adopção desta menina: A Didi morreu...


A Didi foi adoptada e muito bem adoptada e foi para uma quintinha emLousada, onde esteve muito bem com outros canitos e a recuperar das feridas no pescoço e fez as delicias dos novos donos, o Mário e a Shira, que nos antiveram sempre informadas da nova vida da Didi (nome que segundo a mulher do Mário, que é indiana, significa a mais velha...)

Quando a Didi tomou as vacinas, começou a ter espasmos e foi imediatamente para a clinica. Segundo o veterinário, ela poderia ter esgana assintomática que se manifestou com a vacinação. Pode ter sido tb meningite, é dificil de dizer.

Morreu por volta das 5 hrs da madrugada de sábado, com o Mário ao pé dela. Pelo menos, sabemos que foi feliz desde que foi resgatada da rua. Mas dói à mesma.

O texto que o Mário nos mandou é muito bonito, se quizer, pode incluí-lo no blog. Será a nossa homenagem à Didi.

Obrigada Marta. Um beijo

Aqui fica o texto. Adeus Didi...

I'm going to write a novel which title will be "DIDI".

Beca was the only one she autorized to lick her dirty eyes, in the morning. Mayawas one of her kind: mother of a "lot", abandonned somewhere...
Her neck was in this condition, because some one put that colar turned inside. As she grown up, the colar was going deeply!!!!!!!!

As I am agnostic, she has been cremated, and as i am the husband of a budist, I believe she will become something else; but as I have no symbols to express my pain, other than my tears, I think that after becoming earth, from where she came, she will be born for a new and a better life, without the cruelty, without the stupidity and the the mediocrity that have conditioned her life, her dignity, her loyalty, her faithfulness, her charm and her tenderness, that I believe these BEINGS deposit in the hands of this human, ignorant, incompetent, wild and cruel world.

A memorial to a human being would have the symbol of the beliefs inspiring the speech.
This is not a speech. These should be the words my DIDI should understand, when I was feelling she was dying, and I was hugging her, talking to her hears and rubbing her belly, keeping her calm and warm. And she was so understanding... that I decided to use my limited forms of expression to show my solidarityqand my love.
These two beautiful things, like DIDI was beatiful, other then my tears, you all:
"The most beautiful girl in the world" by TOM JONES ans a flower from my garden, as my real signature.